Sales, specials, and a rad drawing!
Oh my friends, do I have a wonderful surprise for you! As you all know by now, here at Rows & Roses we LOVE to hold special events and drawings. Giving things away is my very favorite ♥ So what better time than June to celebrate love and individuality in ALL forms and kick it off with the greatest week ever?!
Join us for Pride Week, the first week in June, for your chance to score some great deals, show your support for freedom and acceptance, and earn yourself some entries into the drawing for the great big gift basket! I can’t wait to show you all we have in store….
First, the sales
I mean, don’t we need some sales? A chance to snag some awesome items at amazing prices? Of course we do!
I will be putting one thing on sale each day of the week.
SATURDAY we have Colorburst at 20% off! This couldn’t have come at a better time, seeing as how Michelle is giving us a demo of the knitting machine today AND Colorburst is her favorite R&R yarn. Come check out this gorgeous gradient, with 660 yards to a single ball!
TUESDAY, June 1: Bamboo Pop
WEDNESDAY, June 2: Montague
THURSDAY, June 3: Mantra
FRIDAY, June 4: Chai
SATURDAY, June 5: Colorburst

Second, the GIVEAWAY!

You know I do love a good giveaway, and this time I’m pulling out all the stops. This giveaway basket contains almost $100 worth of gorgeous items put together with a rainbow color theme! Every $20 you spend in-store during Pride Week will earn you an entry into the drawing for ALL THIS! I will be holding the drawing live on the Facebook page on Saturday, June 5 at 6pm. You do not have to be on Facebook to win, I just like to do my drawings live because it’s more fun that way 😉
Let’s see what’s in it!
RED Bamboo Pop (DK bamboo/cotton)
ORANGE Chai (Sport/DK linen/silk)
YELLOW Mantra (DK 100% silk)
GREEN Valley Superwash (worsted 100% superwash Merino)
DARK GREEN Vintage (worsted superwash wool/acrylic/nylon)
LIGHT BLUE Bella Cash (sport superwash Merino/nylon/cashmere)
INDIGO Montague (light worsted 100% organic cotton)
VIOLET Java (DK 100% hemp)
RAINBOW Darn Good Yarn Silk (worsted 100% silk)
RAINBOW Chakra Lava Rock bracelet
But wait, there's more...
As if all this fun wasn’t enough of a reason to move into the yarn store for the week, I’m throwing in a little extra deal for you. Wearing rainbow into the shop gets you 10% off your purchase (excluding items that are already on sale.)
It can be a rainbow hat, a rainbow shirt, or if you wanna go all out and wear rainbow make-up and dye your hair, I won’t even try to stop you. Tell you what, I’ll even count it as wearing rainbow if you make yourself a Pride Bag and carry it into the shop. Let’s turn this shop into the most fabulous place to be!
Added to all this amazingness is a FREE demo of the knitting machine, offered by Michelle Goodhand, on Saturday, June 5. She will be setting up in the back room with her machine and is happy to show you all how knitting machines work, what you can use them for, and how you can BLAZE through your project. I seriously can’t wait for this. I know it’s going to be educational as well as amazing to see. If you fall in love with machine knitting, we’re going to set it up so you can pre-order your own machine! How cool is that?
So bring your current project and enjoy our sitting area while you work, pour yourself a cup of coffee- it’s free (there is a tip jar if you feel so inclined,) and wind your yarn at our free winding station. In fact, while you’re at it, why not bring a yarny friend with you? It’s always so much more fun that way!
Click here for the facebook event so you’ll get a reminder notification. You definitely don’t want to miss all the fun!