Spring Sweater-along

The official R&R CAL/KAL of the season

Chevron Lace Cardigan by Milobo
Anker's Summer Top by PetiteKnit

Say goodbye to Winter blues and say hello to a fresh Spring project. Rows & Roses is hosting a Sweater-along for Spring 2021 and you’re invited to join! Starting this week, let’s make sweaters together to welcome in the new season. Any yarn, any pattern, anything goes! We have a knit pattern and a crochet pattern all picked out for anyone who needs a little nudge, and I would LOVE to help you pick your yarn for either (or both!)

Knitting pattern: Check out Anker’s Summer Shirt pattern. It is GORGEOUS, isn’t it? Our sweet Sharon brought this pattern to show me, and I fell in love with it. We both thought this would be a great pattern for anyone still new at knitting who would like to take a swing at their first garment. Easy stitches and easy construction, so you can just enjoy playing with the yarn!

Crochet Pattern: The Chevron Lace Cardigan seems like just the thing for Spring. This crochet top also has easy stitches and easy construction, definitely suitable for beginners and advanced crocheters alike.

Either of these patterns would look great in Bamboo Pop, Providence, or two strands of Malabrigo Sock held double. I would especially love to see the crochet sweater done in Mal sock and brushed Suri alpaca held double! I think that would be an absolute dream… 

Here's our Schedule

After some thought, I decided that a schedule will help to keep us all on track:
~ Cast on: Wednesday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day)
~ Half way WIP (work-in-progress) pic posted: Tuesday, April 20
~ Finish knitting/crocheting: Wednesday, May 19
~ Blocked and wearable: Saturday, May 22

Cast-on Party at the shop!
Join us at 1pm on Wednesday, March 17 to cast on your sweater amongst friends. We’ll enjoy coffee and conversation, and help anyone who needs a little guidance. If this is your first sweater, don’t be scared! Come early if you need help picking out yarn. We will be sitting down at 1pm to get started, and I can’t wait to see what you all pick for your pattern and yarn!

But wait, there’s more! Be sure to wear your finished sweater to the new shop on Saturday, May 22. We will have a “fashion show” that day, including stylized pics of you modeling your new spring sweater. Refreshments will be served, and everyone who wears their sweater in that day will be entered into a drawing for a special prize.
PRIZES!! Yes, of course, there will be prizes.
~ For everyone who posts their desired pattern and yarn, along with an “I’m in!” in the Ravelry thread, I will offer you one free Rows & Roses pattern of your choice.
~ For everyone who joins us for the cast-on party on Wednesday, I will give you one free sample pack of Eucalan Wool wash of your choice so you will have the perfect wash for your sweater when you finish it (this stuff is good for anything, not just wool 🙂 )
~ And finally, everyone who comes in to model their sweater on Saturday, May 22, will be entered into a drawing for a Rows & Roses gift package. Details on the gift package coming soon!

So, who’s in? Join the Ravelry group, as that’s where the thread will be (it’s too hard to keep a thread like this going on facebook; it gets buried and I can’t tag from the page.) I hope to see you all on Wednesday at 1pm. This is going to be so much fun ♥

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Please be kind to Mother Earth